Thursday, November 28, 2019

Campus Bar Proposal free essay sample

Proposing a university-run campus bar will create a social environment where alcohol is provided, catering to students, faculty and staff, to promote the responsible use of alcohol, generates revenue and creates jobs for students in a controlled atmosphere. It can reduce drinking after driving incidents. Market Opportunity for Texas AM Twenty percent of students living on campus are over 21. (Golemo, 2011) Forty percent of students living in the University Apartments are of drinking age. The average age of the student population is 21. With the number of students living on campus increasing from 850 to 1000, the increasing number of off-campus residences available on Pelican Island, and the rapid growth of graduate students and programs available, the average age of the student body is expected to increase further to 23. The number of students likely to make use of the drinking services provided, the economic purchasing power, and demand for a campus bar makes it a viable market opportunity. We will write a custom essay sample on Campus Bar Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The nearest pubs and bars are 10 miles from campus, requiring driving off Pelican Island for a drink. A bar on campus creates an opportunity for generating revenue. A lack of competition reduces the chances of reduction of business activity. With recent spikes in gas prices, a bar students can walk to on campus will ease the costs associated with driving. Proposal for campus bar 2 University Benefit The campus bar will create an opportunity to promote responsible drinking. Students will be treated as adults, realizing the importance of responsible actions. They can order a beer, get a glass of wine and hang with their peers and professors. It will help foster a sense of community on campus. The bar will be operated by students, with job opportunities for three bartenders and one waitstaff. It will provide an experience of daily business activities through serving customers, book-keeping and marketing. The University can realize $24,000 of revenue from sales margins each month, which may be reinvested to improve operations and facilities, encouraging sustainability and also reduce University budget strains. It will not rely on external funding for day-to-day operations. Student-Body Benefit Student satisfaction and the social demands will be addressed. The social environment provided will generate added satisfaction amongst students. Besides lighten the burden of going off campus to socialize, students have the opportunity of remaining on campus and enjoying a few drinks with friends, meeting new people, and enjoying a bar atmosphere. It will improve networking within the student body between students who live on campus and, the University Apartments. This encourages mutual respect amongst students. With an increase in older students staying on campus, an added camaraderie will be felt in the campus environment. Through the presence of music, artwork and good company, the campus bar will provide a leisure setting to sit and relax after lectures and stress of exams. Playing host to music events where students can attend or perform at, it will be a forum for music and art shows. Informal student organized events such as theme nights, quizzes and karaoke sessions may be held on location. The added benefits of pool Proposal for campus bar 3 tables and TV screens to catch the latest sporting action and popular daytime TV shows, will furthermore contribute to the satisfaction gained by students. Wine tasting, etiquette training, character building and other events aimed at facilitating personal development of students, can be organized and held at the bar. Safety and Control In the previous school year, 27 students were victims of harassment and physical assault at local bars in Galveston (PFA 1). The safety and concerns of the University over its students are a priority. The operations of the campus bar will reflect the Universitys safety regulations in accordance with alcohol laws enforced held by the state. A safe haven for students, staff and faculty alike, the bar will provide a mutual benefit to all – users and operators. Reducing the number of students going to bars off-campus will decrease the number of incidences of students being attacked. A strict restriction permitting only University students, staff, and their registered guests will prevent the risk of such incidences occurring on campus. Campus Police will be present to monitor the safety, well-being and control of guests at the campus bar. Alcohol will only be served to students, staff and faculty members in possession of a University Identification card. Between January and August this year, Campus Police have reported 29 driving after drinking incidents involving on-campus residents (PFA 2). On campus and within walking distance of Residence Halls and University Apartments, drinking after driving incidents will decrease. Proposal for campus bar 4 Cost Implication Opening the bar will cost $30,000. The costs include procuring electronic equipment and furniture. No additional space will be created. The Hullaballoo residence hall lobby will be used. It is a central location, 5 minutes walking distance from all residence halls on campus. It is a brightly lit, airconditioned, 1000 square foot floor space with a high ceiling. The campus bar will not add to electricity costs as the lobby is lit and air-conditioned all year round. Conclusion A university run campus bar will transform the campus to a â€Å"wet† campus, providing a social environment where alcohol is served will benefit students, faculty and staff at Texas AM University at Galveston. It will promote the responsible use of alcohol, generate revenue and create jobs for students in a controlled atmosphere, reducing driving after rinking incidents. It will also create an avenue for increased social networking and camaraderie amongst students and University staff alike. Personality development events organized at the campus bar will facilitate growth and development of students characters.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Fortiori

Definition and Examples of a Fortiori An argument in which a rhetor reaches a conclusion by first setting up two possibilities, one of which is more probable than the other. Whatever can be affirmed about the less probable can be affirmed with even greater force about the more probable. Etymology From the Latin, from the stronger Examples and Observations Remember the commercial for Life Cereal, the one where the brothers experiment on picky little Mikey? If Mikey liked it, the boys figured, anyone would. Thats an argument a fortiori: If something less likely is true, then something more likely will probably be true as well.(Jay Heinrich, If Bill Had Great Interns, Then Hillary . . . Figures of Speech Served Fresh, August 1, 2005) The concept underlying this phrase can be illustrated thus: if you do not trust your child to safely operate a bicycle, then a fortiori, you do not trust him to operate an automobile.This with stronger reason argument implies a comparison of values. The argument is grounded on the common sense (and logical) convention that within the same category the greater includes the lesser (or, if you will, the stronger includes the weaker). Do not let the use of the word includes mislead you. Because one person is taller than another does not mean the other is included within the one. The comparison is not between physical things, but between the relative values of actions, relationships, principles, or rules. When you make or analyze this type of argument, do not mix apples and oranges. The comparison should be one of factually like things and be factually meaningful. The objects of the comparison must share essential factual elements if they are to be of like kind. You may not trust your chi ld to operate a bicycle safely, but that does not necessarily mean that he cannot be trusted to bring in the groceries.(Ron Villanova, Legal Methods: A Guide for Paralegals and Law Students. Llumina Press, 1999) It is an argument a fortiori, from the stronger. If I show you that two is less than ten then it is easy to persuade you a fortiori that two is less than twenty. If I show you that what you think is a burden of the welfare state is actually small, or badly estimated, or a benefit, then it is less difficult to persuade you that rolling back the welfare state requires sober thinking about the alternatives.(Stephen Ziliak, review of The Economic Consequences of Rolling Back the Welfare State. Journal of Economic Literature, March 2001) I feel that it is my civic duty to pay my taxes as well as my other bills, and that it is my moral duty to make an honest declaration of my income to the income tax authorities. But I do not feel that I and my fellow citizens have a religious duty to sacrifice our lives in war on behalf of our own state, and, a fortiori, I do not feel that we have an obligation or a right to kill and maim citizens of other states or to devastate their land.(Arnold Toynbee) Pronunciation: a-FOR-tee-OR-ee

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Please feel free to add appropriate title, I couldn't think of Assignment

The Use of Social Media and the Internet to Provide Transparency in Services - Assignment Example Thus, firms are required to maintain transparency in providing information through online portals like social media. Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites are gaining popularity among global stakeholders. Such portals are used in accessing company data, financial figures and communicating with the management (Weinberg, 2009). Contemporary businesses are facing various challenges like the financial crisis and changing customer demands. Major firms are raising funds from equity market of different countries so firms are required to select the social media channels in terms of sharing their key information (DeJong, 2014). Stakeholders are seeking for virtual access financial and administrative content before investing in any organization. Information needs are increasing in the service sectors. In such segment, customers are requiring information on various factors like service features, value-added features, and pricing of service seasons. Such information will be helping customers in making the purchase decisions (Gordon & Armstrong, 2011). From the above graph, it has been observed that the peoples of 18-24 years age are using the social media majorly. However, peoples from all age groups are using social media. They are seeking for information on the service quality or price range. In the financial service segment, peoples are concerned about the risk of investment. Financial crisis reduced the potential for return and customers are seeking for actual and unbiased reviews on various investment funds. In case of hospitality and restaurant service customers are seeking for information regarding the physical evidence, service quality and charges (Gunawong, 2014). Social media is the best source of obtaining non-manipulated information regarding customer experience. Before the social media era peoples were able to access only company websites or empirical journal articles (Purdy, 2011). However, online or internet is having certain risk involved like the hacking.